Hitler Get’s Hacked

Note, NSFW language in the subtitles.

This video has so much truth behind it, that I wanted to pass it along to other developers considering certain frameworks on the market.

It’s also hilarious.

Acknowledgement: I got this by way of a colleague’s blog, who got it from the Drupal site.


Hello world!

Herro World! This is my obligatory introduction post.

I am currently the web developer for a public library. A big part of library culture is sharing with other libraries, to help make the service better for all. Many libraries have asked for various bits and pieces of the code that I have written over the years. This is becoming more and more common, as I present things to more and more groups.

Last week I made a presentation to the SirsiDynix Library User Group of Ontario (SLUGO) about the online payment system that I’ve setup and integrated with our ILS. This talk was the final push that made me decide to start publishing tutorials on how to do these things. Hopefully someone comes up with something cool that I hadn’t thought of, and then it’ll come full circle.

So over the next little while I’ll be posting code and how to’s that will build up to being able to implement online payments with SIP. After that, who knows where things will lead.

Feel free to leave a comment if there’s anything you want a how to on.
